Saturday, September 4, 2010

Having the House to Yourself

What I do when I have the house to myself:

sit and enjoy the silence for as long as I want
use the bathroom without an audience
eat a snack without having to share
make a Frappe (in my amazing Frappe Maker) without waking the kids up from a deep sleep
watch something on tv that is NOT Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
play on my iPhone without being asked to play with Talking Tom
walk into the other room without a shadow
walk into the other room without being asked "Where you going, Mommy?"
holding an object without being asked "what's that?" whether it's easily identifiable or not
going 5 minutes without having to clean up spit up
going 10 minutes without having to change my clothes because of spit up
did I mention sit and enjoy the silence?
relax and let someone else stress over the life of my child for a few minutes
miss these guys for about 2 seconds and then sit and enjoy the silence again

What would you add to the list?


Steve said...

that's a great picture!

jackie said...

be able to actually eat without having to give 2/3 of my meal to little human beings, and not feeling like I NEED a nap in the middle of the afternoon cause I'm so tired (especially since I don't really get to take one whether I need it or not).