Sunday, August 28, 2011

Getting Organized

This is how I spent my Saturday night...

You know you're jealous!

My kid's outgrow their clothes so stinking fast (especially the little one) and I was not keeping up with organizing their closets and clothes they've outgrown like I should have it called for crazy clothes organization night.  Of course, I didn't take any pics of when the entire living room floor was covered with clothes and shoes.  Let's just focus on the pretty end product :-)

In my hubby's words "Thank you for taking care of the kid's clothes.  I don't EVER want to take over that job."


abracknell said...

Oh, this looks like my house the other day! Only I think you kept it so organized. They do grow so fast!

Cheryl said...

I feel like I already need to do it all over again. It's a never ending process!