To piggyback off my "Anna's Prayer" post, I wanted to share another fun story about Anna praying. We were driving home from a night of dinner and shopping and Anna had been quite "challenging." She was saying that she was bad (because we had mentioned earlier that her behavior was bad). I decided it was an oppurtunity to teach her a Sunday School Lesson, as I like to call it :-)
I told her that everyone is bad and that's called our Sin Nature. I had her repeat it to me. I told her that everyone has a sin nature and we have to ask Jesus to help us be good, and that Jesus can help us with lots of things. She was tracking with me, as much as any 2 year old would.
Well a few minutes later Ellie starts wailing in the car. Steve and I can't reach her to give her her paci, so we're all just listening to the crying till we get to a stoplight. Then our cute little girl in the back seat says "Jesus can help Ellie calm down." I asked her if she wanted to pray. And so she did. "Dear Jesus, please help Ellie calm down and be good. Amen."
Wow! Steve and I looked at eachother "Did she just apply that lesson in real life?" It's moments like that that help us get through this "challenging" time with her.