Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Worst Hidden Cell Phone Tower...EVER!

I was out driving around the other day and I was all "Oh no they didn't" when I saw this hidden cell phone tower on the side of the road.

It definitely wins the prize for "Worst Attempt to Hide a Cell Phone Tower."

The only person they are fooling with the "dead tree look" is the poor bird that built a nest in it.

See...they are everywhere!
Keep your eyes out and take a pic when you see one.
Leave a comment if you don't have my email to send the pic to me.


Sarah Boehm said...

they don't even try and hide them around here

Cheryl said...

I bet they do Sarah. Keep your eyes out. Seriously...I didn't see the one that looked like a pine tree that is super close to my house and I literally drove by it every day...it took like 3 years and Steve was the one who finally spotted it.