Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Impromptu Groupon Dates!

I am thankful for:

1. Impromptu dates with the Hubby 

2. Friends that will watch our kiddos at a moments notice

3. Trying out new restaurants

4. Not letting a Groupon expire, because my smart hubby realized on the last day we could use it!

this picture was actually taken in CO this summer, because the thought didn't even cross my mind to take a picture on our impromptu date last night :-)

I've been kind of MIA this week!
The stomach bug that hit my family this past weekend has really thrown me for a loop.
I'm out of my blogging groove.
Hoping to get my groove back soon :-)
Can you picture me grooving right now?
I am.
I'm a pretty sweet groover.
Oh ya.

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